Category Archives: airliner bombing

TWA 800 Revisited


This week a new documentary was released on the destruction of TWA Flight 800 17 years ago.

When the final official explanation of the cause of TWA 800’s destruction came out, like most Americans, I accepted it and had no reason to be skeptical, largely because I wasn’t paying particularly close attention.

The new documentary, simply titled TWA Flight 800, combined with another excellent documentary released in 2001 (see below), has made me think twice.

I am not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories and I don’t know that the conclusions reached by the producers is correct (I don’t understand the 3 missile theory illustrated in the documentary), but I do think there are inconsistencies and questionable aspects of the Clinton Administration’s explanation and the methodology employed in the investigation.

The reason this latest documentary is credible and so newsworthy is because members of the original investigation team have come forward to call for re-opening the investigation.

Recent FOIA requests have revealed a few confusing details that were previously unknown as well.

It is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that our Jihadist enemies, who we know were armed with Stinger missiles at the time, attacked us in July 1996, 5 years before 9/11. I’m not ready to declare that to be the case, but there are enough troublesome holes in the official explanation of the destruction of TWA 800 to warrant a more thorough, independent analysis.

Rather than use the FBI, CIA, NTSB and FAA to conduct the investigation, I believe that the investigation should be conducted under the auspices of NASA and the Department of Defense, with a blue ribbon panel of investigators from both the public and private sector. In other words, I believe TWA 800 warrants an independent commission similar to the 9/11 Commission in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Here are a few questions and suspicious items that remain:

• NO planes grounded afterwards for the fuel tank ‘issue’…

Once it was decided that the cause of the destruction of TWA 800 was faulty wiring in the center wing fuel tank, no order was ever issued grounding the other, numerous 747s identical to TWA 800. In fact, no order was ever issued to even inspect the wiring in the center fuel tanks of 747s. All the FAA did was issue a “rule change:”

“The FAA does not believe detailed in-tank inspections of the FQIS components would be effective because the condition of in-tank component or wiring contamination and damage can be difficult to detect while the parts are installed. The agency believes the best approach at this time is to replace the current in-tank FQIS components with new parts, including replacement of silver-plated copper wires with nickel-plated wires.

The FAA is proposing that operators remove and replace FQIS components within 20 years from the date the airplane was manufactured, or within 24 months of publication of the final rule, whichever is later. Nickel-plated wire is much more resistant to corrosion in the presence of sulfur.”

Note the total lack of a sense of urgency surrounding the suspect device claimed to be responsible for the most deadly air disaster in US history. The FAA basically said: “Replace the part when it’s convenient, or next time you have the chance.”

This doesn’t seem like what should be done in the wake of the destruction of a jumbo jet with hundreds of fatalities.

• NO other 747 incident like this before or since.

It is crucial to understand that no other 747, before or since, experienced a problem with the wiring in the center fuel tank. It is also crucial to understand that the official explanation is nothing but a theory, because the federal government was never able to duplicate the circumstances that it said created the explosion.

• Noted eye-witnesses, dismissed outright and never called to testify

 Numerous eye-witnesses reported seeing the same basic thing. Some were even trained military veterans and professional pilots. Nevertheless, they were dismissed and ignored and then misquoted by Clinton-era bureaucrats.

• The ‘splatter pattern’ on the outside of the center fuel tank, and the fact that the seat damage pattern is different from the seat occupant damage pattern are 2 of the key pieces of evidence that support an external explosion.

You must watch the new documentary to understand this revelation, which was not known in 2001 when the first documentary was produced.

The newly available evidence presented in the new documentary (as well as review of the other evidence) is damning and refutes the very premise that there ever was a responsible investigation in the first place.

That leaves the obvious question: if there was a cover-up, why? The most plausible explanation that I have seen is that the Clinton administration may have exerted immense command influence on the investigation to steer it away from pursuing TWA 800 as a terrorist attack. In July 1996, when TWA 800 blew up, Clinton led Senator Bob Dole in the polls by a wide margin. The last thing Clinton needed or wanted was a reported foreign terrorist attack so close to the election. This would not have been the first time Clinton’s team attempted to interfere in such an investigation. There are credible reports that the Clinton administration tried to influence the investigation into the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Moreover, as detailed in the book, The Third Terrorist, the Clinton administration worked to suppress evidence in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

I urge readers to watch the documentary linked below, as well as the older documentary embedded here, and see if you think unanswered questions remain.

The new TWA Flight 800 documentary is available for free by opening a trial with Epix network. All that requires is your zip code and an email address. I did it and have received no spam at all. If you’re nervous, open a new hotmail account and use that address.

It is well worth your time to look at this film:

In addition to the new documentary, I highly recommend another documentary that was produced in 2001: Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice. Here it is:


Airliner Security Leaves Travelers More Vulnerable in Airports

by Christopher W. Holton

Since the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, the federal government has gone to great lengths to keep weaponry of all sorts from finding its way on airliners.

The effectiveness of these measures is open to debate, but the idea has been to prevent items such as explosive devices fashioned in the form of contact lens saline solution bottles, shaving cream cans and the like from finding their way onto an airliner. The TSA is also supposed to be on the lookout for box cutters (and pocket knifes and fingernail files), as well as shoes loaded with explosives.

All of these measures have been reactive–in response to both successful and failed terrorist plots from the past. Such is the nature of our bureaucratic counter terror apparatus. The enemy watches what we do and dreams up more methods to exploit holes and vulnerabilities in the defensive security measures. And, of course, once the enemy tries a new method, successful or otherwise, the TSA modifies its policies to defend against the last attack.

Americans of all philosophies are frustrated by what they perceive as onerous inconveniences and gross invasions of personal privacy.

But that is not the issue that should be of greatest concern to Americans. What should truly concern us all is that the measures that have locked down airliners tighter than a drum have created bottlenecks and choke points in airport terminals, leaving even larger numbers of travelers vulnerable to violent terrorist attack.

One attack on a single airliner has the potential to kill anywhere from dozens to a few hundred innocent passengers. But an attack on a busy airport terminal has the potential to kill several plane loads of innocent travelers before they get on the airplane.

Take a look at the accompanying photographs and the vulnerability is clear. A backpack bomb in a security line would be devastating and the security apparatus is exactly what caused the vulnerability.

To be fair, security lines are not the only vulnerability. Long lines at ticket counters produce huge crowds and bottlenecks as well:

What all this adds up to is an overall air travel industry that is still quite at risk.

Lest you think that I have pointed out a vulnerability that the Jihadists may not have thought of yet, rest assured that the Jihadists have already identified airports as targets for mass casualty attacks.

In fact, there have been two such attacks in recent years, one successful and one failed.

In January 2011, Islamikaze bombers attacked Domodedovo airport in Moscow, killing 35 and wounding 182. This incident is largely forgotten in the West. In fact, it received scant media attention beyond the day of the attack.

The fact that the attackers were believed to have been trained at an Al Qaeda camp in Pakistan should serve as a warning to America. If the Jihadis can train to attack Russian airports, they can train to attack American airports just as well.

The photographs below of the carnage serve as a stark contrast to the photos above showing travelers queuing up to get their tickets or go through security…Note that these photos were taken from camera phones soon after the bombing.

When one compares the photos from the security and ticket counter lines to the photos from Moscow, it is not difficult to grasp the magnitude of the vulnerability.

Moscow was not the only airport attack.

In 2007, two Moslem physicians attempted to blow up the terminal building at Glasgow International Airport in the UK with a VBIED (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device).

The two planned on driving a Jeep Cherokee through the front door and detonating a large bomb upon slamming through  the entrance. Fortunately, their bomb fizzled, but the images below show just how close they came to achieving their evil objective. Given the results from other VBIED attacks in the past in places like Lebanon, Iraq, Kenya and Tanzania, it’s not hard to imagine the horrible effects of a successful attack on a crowded airport terminal.

There is an old saying that he who tries to defend everything defends nothing. What is the answer to these vulnerabilities? No doubt technology will play a prominent role in finding solutions, but we should also consider the fact that while the newly unionized TSA is confiscating nail clippers from soldiers returning from war, making mothers sample their own breast milk, frisking  wheelchair-bound grandmothers and fondling genitalia, they are actually putting all travelers in real danger.

Possible Bomb Intercepted on German Airliner in Namibia

Germany has been the subject of multiple warnings and alerts involving Jihad in recent days and weeks. Today we are greeted with the news that a German airliner had a bomb on board in the southwest African nation of Namibia. Al Qaeda’s reach is long and the West continues to benefit from good fortune as these bombs continue to be found before they detonate.

Police have found a suspected bomb in a package bound for Germany at an airport in Namibia.

The Air Berlin flight carrying over 300 passengers and crew from the Namibian capital Windhoek to Munich, Germany was delayed after police found the “unlabeled” parcel.

According to Germany’s Federal Criminal Police, a scan of the parcel showed batteries attached by wires to a fuse and a clock.

German security officials are assessing whether the device was “a fake bomb” or could have actually detonated. If it turns out that this was a dummy device, it could very well have been a dry run…

America’s Wrongheaded Approach to Jihad

In the wake of the miraculously failed Christmas day Jihadi attack over the skies of Detroit, we are starting to see our governmental mechanisms crank into gear to institute policies to prevent terrorists from attacking us successfully.

Never mind that it was that very governmental bureaucracy which enabled the Jihadists to penetrate secure areas with explosives and come close to killing 270 people on Christmas day. It was our incompetent governmental bureaucracies which granted a known Jihadi a visa to enter the United States. It was our governmental bureaucracies which let him get on an airliner without a passport. It was our governmental bureaucracies which failed to recognize classic warning signs: ticket paid for in cash, no checked luggage.

Nevertheless, Janet Napolitano, who is evidently conflicted between whether the security system worked like clockwork or failed miserably, has had her department of Homeland Security see to it that no one stands up for the last hour of any flight (an order which has evidently already been rescinded) and Transportation Security personnel are redoubling efforts to tighten access to airliners.

Meanwhile, President Obama managed to tear himself from the links to declare the terrorist an “isolated extremist,” perhaps the worst mischaracterization made by a sitting president since Richard Nixon declared himself “not a crook.” Obama then promised a dragnet to find those responsible. What complete and utter hogwash.

This security and law enforcement approach used against those who are at war with us will never work.

We can button up airliners tighter than a drum and do body cavity searches of passengers and you know what will happen?

The Jihadists will drive a truck loaded with TNT through the front door of the terminal at a major airport the day before Thanksgiving and kill hundreds.

Or they’ll target subways and trains like they did in Madrid, London and Paris.

Or they’ll target shopping malls or schools.

Until we realize that this is a war and not a law enforcement problem and that these terrorists have a common thread, whether they are lone wolves or part of cells, it will keep getting worse.

The problem is Islam. Not Muslims, but Islam as practiced by a core of Muslims who largely control the Islamic world. Their goal is to implement sharia law. Their goal is not for you and me to convert to Islam, but to impose sharia on us. That is what they are fighting for and sharia is their doctrine as well. We ignore this at our peril. The reason for everything they do can be looked up in books that they wrote. Not just the Noble Quran, but books like “Reliance of the Traveler” and “Milestones” and “The Quranic Concept of War.” If you really want to understand where the enemy is coming from, buy these books on Amazon and read them.

Then download Stephen Coughlin’s thesis from the Center for Security Policy web site. It’s free and it should be the handbook for fighting the war of ideas.

There is a global Jihadist insurgency and insurgencies are 80% political/ideological not military. We can win the military side. But we aren’t even fighting the other 80%. And that’s what manufactures guys like this Nigerian, who was, like most Jihadist terrorists, wealthy and educated, even privileged. (This is NOT about poverty; don’t let anyone tell you that.)

The Jihadis are indoctrinated for years in mosques and madrassas. They don’t go “radical” by accident. It is a system. Go to the MEMRI web site and take a look at state-run television in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Palestinian territories and even Egypt. You will be shocked at what you see and hear, especially on the programs targeted at children. Jihadis are not born. They are created. Furthermore, they aren’t created because the USA supports Israel or because the USA overthrew Saddam Hussein in Iraq or the Taliban in Afghanistan. Their agenda is much wider, longer and deeper than that.

The Jihadists did not slaughter hundreds of school children in Beslan, Russia because the USA supports Israel or because US troops are in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Jihadists killed 241 US servicemen in Beirut in 1983, blew up the World Trade Center in 1993, blew up a USAF barracks in 1995, blasted our embassies in east Africa in 1998, attacked the USS Cole in 2000 and flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th 2001 before a single American soldier or Marine set foot in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The Jihadists didn’t kill 200 Australian tourists in Bali, Indonesia because the US supports Israel. They didn’t slaughter dozens in Mumbai, India because the US is in Iraq. They aren’t killing people in southern Thailand because the US is in Afghanistan. And the Islamic insurgency in the Philippines predates all of this.

There must be something else at work.

It’s called Jihad.

You can expect some type of Jihadist incident involving Americans to be in the news every week from now on. Some incidents will be violent Jihad like Fort Hood and Flight 253. Others will be civilizational or “stealth” jihad, such as refusing to allow bomb-sniffing dogs near Muslims based on some notion of religious “freedom.” This is the environment that fighting a politically correct war for 8 years has created. Get used to it.

Let me give you an example of what we’re up against. The best example is Saudi Arabia. Some in the US refer to the Sauds as “allies” in the “war on terrorism.” But if the Sauds are really at war with Al Qaeda and the Jihadists, then why don’t we hear about lots of attempts on the lives of Saudi princes (and there are thousands of Saudi princes)? They are not hard to find. Go to a casino or disco in London or Monte Carlo and you can find them and often without tight security. Since Al Qaeda was founded in 1989, the number of Saudi royals killed by their terrorism stands at 0. In that time, there was only a single documented attempt by an Al Qaeda terrorist on a Saudi prince, who just happened to be the minister of the Interior, in charge of a large portion of security forces.

In Saudi Arabia when you are caught shoplifting, under their Sharia law, you have a good chance of getting your hand chopped off as punishment. A woman gets 100 lashes for the crime of adultery. The Sauds behead people for more serious crimes.

Yet, when a Saudi is caught on the battlefield as a member of Al Qaeda by US forces in Iraq or Afghanistan and is turned over to the Sauds, what happens to them?

They are sent to rehab. In rehab they are issued crayons and paint for art therapy. (I am not joking.) After rehab, they are released.

Why do you suppose this is?

I’ll tell you why. Because they haven’t committed a crime as far as the Sauds are concerned. Shoplifting gets your hand chopped off, Jihad doesn’t even get you a slap on the wrist.

Does anyone still believe that the Sauds are our allies?

The Jihadists get funded, they get trained and they get granted safe haven. This happens a number of ways and from a number of sources and we need to go after them. Use our strengths to go after the ideological and financial and training sources. Until we do, expect this to get worse and worse. Taking our shoes off before getting on the airplane isn’t going to help one damn bit.

What if Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Had Succeeded?

What if Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had succeeded in detonating his bomb and had brought down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas day?

There are a few things we know:

1. Some 300 innocent people on board the airliner–passengers and crew–would have perished.

2. The fact that Abdulmutallab had waited until the aircraft was on approach very possibly meant that it was flying over a populated area at the time. This was almost certainly planned. Had he detonated the device over the Atlantic Ocean, it would have killed everyone on board, but there would have been no TV video footage of the carnage and the possibility of additional innocent victims on the ground would have been eliminated. Had Abdulmutallab succeeded in blowing open the fuselage of the Airbus airliner, it could very easily have come down in whole or in parts over homes and more people would have been killed.

The only thing that prevented Christmas 2009 from becoming the most infamous in US history was either Abdulmutallab’s incompetence or faulty explosive equipment.

But there is one other thing that we can be almost certain of had Abdulmutallab succeeded in blowing up that airplane: today, 28 December 2009, 3 days later, members of the news media would be reading press releases from the White House, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI declaring that there is “no indication of terrorist involvement.”

Janet Napolitano, the same woman who would have us believe that our security “system worked like clockwork” in this attack, would be on our television screens with the comforting words that “there is no evidence that this tragedy was a terrorist attack.”

Ill-fated Flight 253 would have been reported as a “crash.”

Would the NTSB and FBI have eventually determined beyond a shadow of a doubt that a bomb brought down 253? Probably. But that would have been months after the fact and critics would have debated the evidence any way.

Meanwhile, the breakdowns which allowed Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to get on board Flight 253 with a US visa may never have been identified and fixed…

Janet Napolitano Should Resign Now: “The security system worked”

By now everyone knows about the attempt by a Jihadist from Nigeria to set off a bomb in an airliner above Detroit. But what many of us may not have been aware of is the fact that our nation’s transportation security systems worked just fine to prevent the terrorist from completing his Islamikaze mission. Or so says already-disgraced Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano:

Homeland security head: The security system worked

This is just the latest in a series of incredibly stupid policies and mistakes made by this woman since she took office. It began with the report issued by DHS and approved by her which labeled just about every segment of our society, OTHER than the Islamic community, as potential terrorist threats–ESPECIALLY returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans.

Then, as the Fort Hood massacre made news, it was discovered that our intrepid Secretary of HOMELAND Security was attending a women’s conference in the United Arab Emirates of all places…

But those two gaffs pale in comparison to her assessment of this latest attempted Islamikaze attack.

There are so many glaring errors in the short Associated Press news article linked above that it boggles the mind:


1. “Homeland security head: The security system worked”

Nothing authorities did prevented that plane from being blown up. This was a case of a bad guy fumbling the ball on the one yard line through the end zone for a touchback. If the security system worked, then the system STINKS. Either Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab’s detonator was bad or else it was a case of “you need to be smarter than the equipment you’re using” and he screwed up. But if not for their screw-up, we’d have had a US airliner blown up and crashing over a populated area on Christmas with hundreds killed.


2. “The father of the man accused of attempting to blow up the jetliner told U.S. officials in Nigeria he was concerned about his son’s extreme religious views. However, Napolitano says there was no specific information to place Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on a no-fly list.”

This is a byproduct of refusing to recognize the religious component integral to the enemies we face. The fact that the father informed us that his son was a Jihadi wasn’t enough for our PC system to keep him out of the US. This is the modern-day equivalent to allowing members of the SS into America because their membership in the SS was not sufficient specific information to exclude them.


3. Napolitano says that within 60 to 90 minutes of the incident all 120 flights that were in the air at time were contacted to make sure the attempted bombing did not extend beyond the flight to Detroit.

How the hell were those other air crews supposed to know? Did they announce over the intercom,”Any terrorists on board with an explosive device strapped to your crotch, please raise your hand”?

The fact of the matter is, we were caught with our pants down and we are just damn lucky that Christmas 2009 wasn’t marked forever by an Islamikaze massacre.

Someone better figure a way to get this Napolitano woman out of office and out of the security business altogether before she gets a lot of Americans killed.

Jihadist terrorist convicted in the Lockerbie Pan Am 103 bombing had big Swiss bank account

The Jihadist terrorist convicted in the Lockerbie Pan Am 103 bombing who was released by the British government on “humanitarian” grounds earlier this year had 1.8 million British pounds stashed away in a Swiss bank account.

The Brits knew about the account and they still released the guy…

Disturbing Patterns of Behavior on Airline Flights

Since September 11th 2001, Americans have been understandably apprehensive when it comes to airline safety, particularly when it comes to the behavior of passengers.

Many TTB readers may be aware of recent reports about what could have been a possible “dry run” on an AirTran airlines flight.

Over on American Thinker, John Leonard has done an excellent job of covering the reports circulating about that episode. Today, however, he took it a step further and provided a chronology of disturbing incidents on airliners which have not received enough attention. We urge our readers to view his latest work: “Terror Test Runs on Airlines?”

A Year of Jihad in America (December 2008 to December 2009)

There is mounting evidence that the global Jihadist insurgency is fully entrenched in the USA.

After the Fort Hood massacre news services seem divided between those hell-bent-for-leather on denying that it was a case of anything other than a persecuted loner “snapping” and those who proclaimed it the first “terrorist” attack on US soil since September 11th.

Both were wrong.

As we mentioned in our last posting, Fort Hood was an act of Jihad and that’s really all that matters:

Fort Hood it was hardly the first act of Jihad on US soil since September 11th. A few examples come to mind:

• The Anthrax Attacks (Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I do NOT buy the official line on these attacks, but that’s a posting for another time and place.)

• The DC “Sniper” Shootings (There is a great deal of evidence that John MOHAMMED carried out these attacks in the name of Allah.)

• The LAX Shooting at the El Al Ticket Counter

Note that it makes little difference if the perpetrators are members of a previously known terrorist organization (such as Al Qaeda) or were lone actors. Actually, it DOES make a difference. It is difficult to combat a shadowy organization like Al Qaeda, but it is far more difficult to combat lone wolf actors. Al Qaeda may be difficult to infiltrate and gather intelligence on, but how do we “infiltrate” a lone Jihadist?

This is symptomatic of a revolutionary Jihadist subculture metastasizing within the American Muslim community, especially within its mosques and organizations. This revolutionary subculture has produced an atmosphere in which Muslims are inspired to act violently. This is a very dangerous and volatile situation.

Over the last 12 months alone, we have been provided with a stack of evidence of the Jihadist insurgency inside America. Americans have largely ignored this evidence, or at least failed to “connect the dots.” Seemingly completely unrelated cases do in fact have common threads: they are acts of Jihad.

I decided to go back and research examples of Jihad in America over the last 12 months, roughly 1 December 2008 to 1 December 2009. Using the following sources, as well as Google, I have compiled this list of incidents, cases, actions, statements and plots which point to a Jihadist insurgency in our midst (Keep in mind that insurgencies are 80% civilizational/political and 20% violent/militant.):

Militant Islam Monitor

Jihad Watch

Counterterrorism Blog

NEFA Foundation

The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Shariah Finance Watch


Free Republic

The list is compiled in reverse chronological order, meaning that the most recent items are listed first. We no doubt left out some cases. If any readers know of any cases that we left out, please comment and we will amend this posting. We think that all of these cases and incidents brought together on a single listing will prompt most readers to conclude that the magnitude of the threat we face inside the USA is greater than they previously believed.


Ten Indicted in Philadelphia in Case Involving Material Support for Jihadist Terrorist Group Hezbollah

Terrorism Charges Unsealed in Minnesota Against 8 Somali Members of Jihadist Terrorist Group al-Shabaab

Feds in New York Move to Seize Assets of Iran-tied Alavi Foundation

Nidal Malik Hasan Kills 13, Wounds 20 In Shooting Rampage at Fort Hood, Texas


US Jails Al Qaeda Sleeper Agent (Ali al-Marri was previously held in brig at Charleston, SC Naval Station)

Two Chicago Men Charged in Jihadist Terrorist Plot in Denmark

Eleven Members of Jihadist Group Arrested in Detroit; Imam Killed in Shootout with FBI (Luqman Ameen Abdullah Shot and Killed FBI Dog During Arrest)

Boston Muslim Charged in Plot to Kill Shoppers, Troops

Three Ohio Residents Sentenced in Plot to Commit Terrorist Acts Against Americans Overseas

Massachusetts Man Charged With Conspiracy to Provide Material Support for Terrorists

University of California-Irvine Files Complaint with Feds that Muslim Student Union Raised Money for Jihadist Terrorist organization HAMAS


Najibullah Zazi of Colorado Indicted in New York for Conspiracy to Use Explosives Against Persons or Property (Zazi had contact with Al Qaeda leader in Afghanistan)

Illinois Jihadist Arrested in Plot to Bomb Illinois Federal Building

Jordanian Muslim Arrested After Placing Inactive Bomb in Dallas High-Rise

Lebanese-born Swede Sentenced to Life in Prison for Oregon Terrorist Training Camp Plot

Three British Muslims Convicted In Plot to Bomb Airliners Bound for America (Plot could have killed 10,000)

Apostate from Islam, Rifqa Bary, Flees Family After Her Father Threatens Her


Member of Prison Islamist Group Sentenced to 70 Months for Plot to Kill Jews, Attack Military Bases

Atlanta Muslim, Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, Convicted of Supporting Foreign Terrorist Organization (Supported Lashkar-e-Tayyiba which carried out Mumbai attack)

German Jihadists Describe Hatred of US as Reason for Terror Plot,1518,642047,00.html

Yemeni Sheikh Pleads Guilty to Aiding HAMAS in New York Court

JULY 2009

“Shoe Bomber” Richard Reid Sues to Resume Jihad From Prison

The Odyssey of a Jihadist: From Long Island to Pakistan

Seven Charged in North Carolina for Terrorism (Plot to attack Marine Corps Base Quantico)

American Al Qaeda Jihadist Sentenced to Life for Bush Assassination Plot

Hizb ut-Tahrir Jihadi Conference Held in Chicago

JUNE 2009

New Jersey Muslim Convicted of Providing Material Support to Jihadist Terrorist Group Hezbollah

Tennessee Muslim Convert Kills One Soldier, Wounds Another Outside Little Rock Recruiting Office,2933,523860,00.html

Ex-Georgia Tech Student Convicted on Terrorism Charges

MAY 2009

Texas Muslim Charity Officials Sentenced to 65 Years for Financing HAMAS Jihadist Terrorist Organization

New York Jihadist Plot to Target Synagogues Disrupted

Canadian from Somalia Living in Minneapolis Pleads Guilty to Aiding Al Qaeda

Five Miami Jihadists Convicted in Sears Tower Bombing Plot

APRIL 2009

Three New Jersey Jihadists Sentenced to Life in Fort Dix Terrorist Plot

MARCH 2009

Somali-Americans Recruited for Al Qaeda-linked Group Says FBI


Ohio Jihadist Sentenced to 20 Years in Terror Bomb Plot

Muslim Television Channel Founder Charged With Beheading His Wife in Honor Killing,2933,493645,00.html

FBI Director Warns of Terror Attacks on US Cities

Lashkar-e-Taiba Mumbai Attackers Had Worldwide List of 320 Targets

Jailhouse Islam Convert Murders Philadelphia Police Officer


FBI Cuts Ties with Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Over HAMAS Ties

Terrorist Who Plotted to Bomb New York Targets in 1970s Released From Prison, Deported to Sudan

Chicago Cousins Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorism


Staten Island Satellite TV Operator Pleads Guilty to Supporting Hezbollah

Former University of South Florida Student Sentenced to 15 Years in Terrorism Case

UK Set to Release Lockerbie Bomber on “Humanitarian Grounds”

In 1988, 270 innocent people died a terrifying death due to the work of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, who was working for the Libyan government.

After years of investigative work and diplomatic wrangling which we won’t rehash here, al-Megrahi was tried and convicted in a British court to 27 years in prison.

But he is about to go free because he has terminal prostate cancer. This is an afront to justice and an insult to the families of the 270 innocent civilians killed 21 years ago.

Part of murdering people and getting caught and thrown in jail is that you will very likely take your last breath in a barren hospital jail cell all alone. There is nothing honorable in letting monsters like Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi go free out of a false sense of compassion.