Monthly Archives: May 2016

Al Qaeda Publishes Another “Inspire” Magazine; Here’s What It Says


by Christopher W. Holton

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has just published its latest issue of Inspire magazine.

It contains some items of particular interest and concern to Westerners:

• AQAP is now advising Muslims in the West to target people in their homes.

• They suggest using technology to plan home assassinations, such as Google Earth, small drones and cameras.

• The magazine contains new detailed instructions on new types of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) inside of books, attached to automobiles with magnets and attached to doors in homes.

• AQAP calls on “Knife Revolutionaries” to conduct knife attacks specifically on Americans, such as been happening in Israel over the past year or so.

We have an idea on how Americans can prepare for Al Qaeda’s Knife Revolutionaries: exercise your 2nd Amendment rights.

Truth from the Texas GOP about CAIR


by Christopher W. Holton

Plank #250 from the brand new Texas Republican Party platform:

Council on American-Islamic Relations- We hereby call on all law enforcement and governmental agencies in Texas to avoid and suspend all contact and outreach activities with the Council on American Islamic-Relations (CAIR) named unindicted coconspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Trial with ties to terrorist groups such as Hamas.

Can We Beat the Jihadists? Of Course We Can; Their Doctrine Says So


by Christopher W. Holton

One of the most common remarks we hear is a reflection of pessimism from many Americans who doubt that we can ever defeat an enemy whose doctrine is so deeply rooted in a religion that is followed by 1.6 billion people backed by oil wealth.

Some say that victory–if it can ever be achieved at all–won’t happen in our lifetimes. Some even say it will take hundreds of years.

But history and Islamic doctrine suggest otherwise.

The fact is, Islamic doctrine hasn’t changed in around 1,400 years. During that time, Islam has been at war with its neighbors almost constantly. ALMOST.

When the Jihadists’ victims have fought back successfully, Islam has sat dormant for long periods of times.

Think about it. In recent years, apologists for Jihad have claimed that they are only waging war against us because we occupy “their lands,” Dar-al-Islam.

But this does not add up historically. For instance, take World War II in North Africa.

Back in 1941-42, the German Afrika Korps, the British 8th Army and the U.S. 7th Army all occupied and ran roughshod over Dar-al-Islam in North Africa and nary a single Jihadist lifted a dagger in anger, much less a rifle or land mine.

Why do you suppose that is?

It was because Islam was far too weak to challenge the Germans, the British or the Americans in 1942.

Can you imagine George S. Patton’s reaction to Jihadist insurgents attacking U.S. troops in those days?

This is in fact reflected in Islamic doctrine. When Islam is too weak to successfully wage Jihad, it is actually forbidden from doing so. And the best way to make Islam too weak is to become too strong for them.

Like I said, it’s in their doctrine. They’ve codified the practice of quitting the fight when the going gets too rough long ago.

A great source for this is “A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence” by Dr. Salih Al-Fawzan, published by Al-Maiman Publishing House in Saudi Arabia.

In the entire chapter devoted to Jihad in this book of Islamic law (Shariah), the conditions under which Jihadists stop fighting is spelled out in detail based on the Sunnah of Mohammed:

• It is permissible for the ruler to agree to a truce with the disbelievers to stop fighting for a specific period if this serves the interests of Muslims, and only when it is permissible to delay jihad due to the weakness of Muslims. The Prophet (PBUH) agreed to a peace treaty with the disbelievers at Al-Hudaybiyah Peace Treaty (sic), and made a peace treaty with the Jews in Medina. However, it is permissible for the ruler to agree to a truce with the disbelievers when Muslims are strong and able to fight.

This means two things:

1. Jihadists will quit fighting when they are losing. They will seek a truce when they are losing to keep from being defeated. If the Jihadists are strong enough to successfully wage violent Jihad, they must, by their law, do so.

2. If the Jihadists enter into negotiations for a truce, that is in fact the time to “pour it on.” When we respond with weakness to the Jihadists, we compel them to continue to wage Jihad. When we respond with strength, we have a chance to either defeat them or at least compel them to cease violent Jihad for a period of time.

Denying the Obvious: Our Tax Dollars at Work at the NCTC


by Christopher W. Holton

I just got through reading the US National Counterterrorism Center’s “Counterterrorism Digest” for 20-26 April 2016.

I am posting this to make a point. The Digest is 18 pages long and contains information on terrorist incidents and the like from around the world.

But perhaps the Digest is more significant for what it does NOT include than for what it includes.

In 18 pages, the document has exactly 5 references to Islam. Four of those references are as part of the name of a terrorist or terrorist organization. The only reference to Islam itself comes on page 12 and it is significant:

“Tehrik-E Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Kills Minority Minister
On 22 April, gunmen on motorbikes stopped Sardar Soran Singh—minority affairs minister for Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province—in his car and killed him in the Buner district. TTP claimed responsibility for the attack.

■ “These activities will continue until implementation of Islamic system in Pakistan,” Muhammad Khurasani, TTP spokesman, said in an emailed statement.”

Note that this act of Jihad was undertaken with the specific intention of promoting an “Islamic system,” i.e. the implementation of Shariah, which is the goal of EVERY Jihadist terrorist organization in the world.

Speaking of Shariah and Jihad…

The Digest contains exactly one reference to Jihad in its entire 18 pages and that reference is as part of the name of terrorist organization. There is NO discussion in the entire document of Jihad, which is what every Islamic terrorist organization says they are waging against us.

The Digest contains NO reference whatsoever to Shariah, which is the enemy threat doctrine.

The complete absence of the discussion of Islam, Jihad or Shariah in the National Counterterrorism Center’s Counterterrorism Digest today would be the equivalent of discussing the Sandinistas, the Warsaw Pact, or the Soviet Union in 1978 without any reference to communism, Marxism or socialism.