Category Archives: Arizona Social Security Office Bombing

ANOTHER COVER UP? More on the Arizona Jihadi, Abdullatif Aldosary

Earlier this week we posted about Abdullatif Aldosary, an Iraqi Muslim refugee who set off an IED at a Social Security office in Arizona…

As we reported then, an FBI source told investigative reporter Patrick Poole at PJMedia that Aldosary would not be charged with terrorism, due to “political sensitivities.”

Now Poole has uncovered more about Aldosary which reveals yet another cover up by the Obama administration to avoid having to admit that we have been hit again by a Jihadist terrorist.

According to Poole, the DHS had previously concluded that Aldosary had been involved in terrorist “activities,” and a search of his home turned up $20,000 in cash (Aldosary was an only partially employed day laborer), an AK47, and bomb making materials…

“Move along, nothing to see here.”

Read more details from Patrick Poole at PJMedia:
