No Surprise Here: Nigerian Boko Haram Jihadists Using Arms Looted From Libya

Regular readers of TTB may recall that we were skeptical of the revolution in Libya and were concerned that some of the arms from Qaddafi’s stockpiles might end up in the hands of terrorists:

The latest reports now have looted Libyan arms transferred from Al Qaeda elements among the Libyan “rebels” into the hands of Boko Haram Jihadist terrorists, who have been slaughtering Christians in Nigeria for a few years now.

This was an immense failure of the Obama administration. The Libyan “rebels” would never have achieved victory without US and NATO air support. But when reports began to surface that Libyan arms could end up in the hands of terrorists, Obama sat on his hands and didn’t lift a finger.

Rather than perform a legitimate military mission, namely securing Qaddafi’s weapons, Obama just kept right on bombing on behalf of Jihadis and let the weapons scatter to the four corners…and the peaceful people of Nigeria are paying the price for Obama’s recalcitrance.

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