Possible Bomb Intercepted on German Airliner in Namibia

Germany has been the subject of multiple warnings and alerts involving Jihad in recent days and weeks. Today we are greeted with the news that a German airliner had a bomb on board in the southwest African nation of Namibia. Al Qaeda’s reach is long and the West continues to benefit from good fortune as these bombs continue to be found before they detonate.

Police have found a suspected bomb in a package bound for Germany at an airport in Namibia.

The Air Berlin flight carrying over 300 passengers and crew from the Namibian capital Windhoek to Munich, Germany was delayed after police found the “unlabeled” parcel.

According to Germany’s Federal Criminal Police, a scan of the parcel showed batteries attached by wires to a fuse and a clock.

German security officials are assessing whether the device was “a fake bomb” or could have actually detonated. If it turns out that this was a dummy device, it could very well have been a dry run…


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